Leaf-flowers - Family: Phyllanthaceae
Subfamily: Phyllanthoideae
Tribe: Bridelieae
Subfamily: Phyllanthoideae
Tribe: Phyllantheae
Kingdom: Plantae
> Phylum: Trachyophyta
> Subphylum: Angiospermae
> Class: Magnoliopsida
> Order: Malpighiales (Nances, Willows and Allies)
> Family: Phyllanthaceae
> Genus: Actephila
> Genus: Breynia
> Species: B. oblongifolia - Coffee Bush
> Genus: Brideleia
> Genus: Cleistanthus
> Species: C. cunninghamii - Cleistanthus
> Genus: Glochidon
> Species: G. fernandii - Chesse Tree
> Genus: Phyllanthus
> Species: P. tenellus - Mascarene Island Leaf-Flower
> Genus: Poranthera
> Genus: Sauropus
> Genus: Synostemon
References and links:
Photographic Contributions:
Beringen, Erik. C 1234 - C 1706 - C 1707 - C 1964 - C 1965 - C 2910 - C 2911.
Lambert, Nick. L 344 - L 345 - L 346 - L 347.
Beringen, Erik. C 1234 - C 1706 - C 1707 - C 1964 - C 1965 - C 2910 - C 2911.
Lambert, Nick. L 344 - L 345 - L 346 - L 347.