THE NORTHERN RIVERS PROJECT: for just a bit more.
This web-site would not be complete without a page for all the miscellaneous stuff. Not un-important stuff, but just a few things that do not really have a place elsewhere. So here then is the third reason for this web-site; to put together a range of information that you may well find useful one day. Some of it might come in handy to anyone, like the 'Local Shires' page. Some of it is only of use to some with specific interests, such as the 'Checklists' page. And then, there is the stuff that really needed a spot somewhere such as the 'Useful Links and References' page. Of course, our members needed a spot to say 'Hi' and maybe advertise themselves a bit, and you will find them on the 'TNRP - Member Profiles' page. And then, there are maps, downloadable, for when you're not online and still would like to check up on where you are. You'll get them off the 'Maps' page. As for anything else..., we'll just keep adding it as we go.
In due course, there will be info on National Parks and Reserves, Hiking Trails and Walking Tracks, Flora and Fauna Parks a page dedicated to Photography, Tips & Tricks and much much more.
And of course, most importantly, if you wish to contact us you are at all times welcome to do so. To that end the 'Contact' page is probably the best place to start. Note that individual members can not be contacted directly unless they have made their personal contact details known in their profile. Should you wish to be put into contact with a particular member please use the form on the 'Contact' page and the editor will, if possible, forward your e-mail. Note not all members have allowed e-mail forwarding.
The 'Contact' page also has information for Casual Contributors of photographic or written content. |
Use the thumbs below to explore the pages of interest. (Opens in a new window.)
The contributors to The Northern River Project agree that all images and texts as formatted and/or written and displayed on these pages are licensed under the
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. |