Evening Primroses and Allies - Family: Onagraceae
Phylum: Tracheophyta
> Subphylum: Angiospermae
> Class: Magnoliopsida
> Order: Myrtales
> Family: Onagraceae (Evening Primroses and Allies)
> Genus: Epilobium (Willowherbs)
> Genus: Ludwigia (Primrose-Willows)
> Species: L. longifolia - Longleaf Primrose-Willow
> Species: L. octovalvis - Mexican Primrose-Willow
> Species: L. peploides - Water Primrose
> Genus: Oenothera (Evening Primroses, Sundrops and Allies)
> Species: O. drummondii - Beech Evening Primrose
> Species: O. stricta - Common Evening Primrose
References and links:
Photographic Contributions:
Beringen, Erik. C 351 - C 352 - C 1065 - C 1383 - C 1436 - C 1487 - C 2280 - C 2281 - C 2518 - C 2519 - C 2688 - C 2961.
Beringen, Erik. C 351 - C 352 - C 1065 - C 1383 - C 1436 - C 1487 - C 2280 - C 2281 - C 2518 - C 2519 - C 2688 - C 2961.