For those who are not too familiar with taxonomy - a means of grouping organisms based on their ancestral relationships - this page will provide you with a more user friendly way to explore this site.
As the Northern Rivers Project grew larger and larger, it became obvious that it was necessary to adopt a more scientific approach to arranging the pages that deal with all the various life forms that live in our area. In itself not a bad thing as it meant that the arrangement of the site became more organised and therefore easier to work on. A downside of the scientific approach however, is the fact that the casual visitor to the site may become lost in a quagmire of unfamiliar names. So, rather than using the drop-down menus or, scrolling endlessly through the sitemap, here is another, and hopefully, much easier way to navigate the 3300 plus pages that make up LIFE in the Northern Rivers.
Animals - Kingdom: Animalia
Abalones Acorn Worms Alderflies Amphibians Amphipods Anemones Angelfishes Angler Fishes Anomurans Antlions Ants Aphids Arachnids Argonauts Ark Shells Arrow Worms Arthropods Australian Bass Autobranchs B Barklice Barnacles Barracudas Bats Bean Urchins Bees Beetles Birds Bivalves Black Corals Blackworms Bloodworms Booklice Box Jellies Brachipods Branchiopods Bristle Worms Bristletails (Insects) Bristletails (Marine) Brittle Stars Brooch Clams Bryozoans Butterflyfishes Butterflies Button Snails C Carnivores Catfishes Centipedes Cephalopods Cerith Snails Cetaceans Chelicerates Chimaeras Chitons Chordates Chrysalis Snails Cicads Clitellates Cnidarians Cockatoos Cockles Cockroaches Comb Jellies Conchs Cone Shells Coneheads Copepods Cowries Crabs Crayfishes Crickets Crinoids Crown of Thorns Crows Crustaceans Cuttlefishes Cycliophorans D Damselflies Decapods Deer Demosponges Dicyemids Dingos Dobsonflies Dolphins Dories Doves Dragonflies Dragons Ducks Dugongs |
Earthworms Earwigs Echinoderms Eels Emus Entognathans Entoprocts F Falcons False Cockles Fantails Feather Stars Fig Shells File Shells Finches Flatfishes Flatworms Fleas Flies Flukes Flying Foxes Forcepstails Freshwater Mussels Frogs Fruit Bats G Gall Wasps Gastropods Gastrotrichs Geckos Glass Snails Glass Sponges Gliders Gnathiferans Gnats Grasshoppers Grinners Groupers H Haplotaxids Harvestmen Hawk Moths Hawks Headshield Slugs Heart Urchins Helicinan Snails Helicoid Land Snails Hemichordates Herrings Heterobranchs Hexapods Honeyeaters Hooded Shrimps Hoppers Horntails Horsehair Worms Horseshoe Worms Hover Flies Hydroids Hydrozoans I Insects Isopods J Jacks Jaw Worms Jawless Fishes Jellyfish Jewel Beetles K Kangaroos Katydids Keelback Slugs Kingfishers Koalas Krill L Lacewings Lampreys Lancelets Land Slugs Land Snails Lantern Shells Lanternbellies Leaf Insect Leaf Miner Moths Leaf-veined Slugs Leeches Limpets (True Limpets) Lizards Lobe-finned Fishes Lobsters Locusts Long-horned Beetles Looping Snails Loriciferans |
Mackerels Malacostracans Mammals Man o' War Mantis Shrimps Mantises Marsupials Mayflies Mice Millipedes Minnows Mites Mole Crickets (in Katydids) Molluscs Morays Mosquitoes Moss Bugs Moths Mud Dragons Mullets Mussels Mygalomorphs Myriapods Myxozoans N Nautiloids Nematodes Neritimorphs Nudibranchs O Octopuses Oligostracans Olive Snails Opossum Shrimps Orthonectids Ostracods Oysters P Parrots Pencil Urchins Penguins Perches Perching Birds Perch-like Fishes Periwinkle Snails Pigeons Pigs Pillbugs Placozoans Planarians Pleurobranchs Pond Snails Possums Potoroos Potworms Prawns Priapulid Worms Prism Slugs Protobranchs Pseudoscorpions Puffers Pyramid Snails R Rabbits Ram's Horn Snails Rats Ray-finned Fishes Rays Razor Clams Remipedes Reptiles Ribbon Worms Rockcods Rodents Rotifers S Salmons Salps Sand Dollars Sand Flies Sawflies Scale Insects Scallops Scarabs Scorpionflies Scorpions Sea Biscuits Sea Butterflies Sea Cucumbers Sea Dragons Sea Elephants (Molluscs) Sea Fans Sea Hares Sea Lilies |
Sea Pens
Sea Pills Sea Slugs Sea Spiders Sea Squirts Sea Stars Sea Urchins Sea Whips Seahorses Seals Segmented Worms Sharks Shorebirds Shrimps Side-gilled Sea Slugs Silk Moths Silverfishes Silversides Skates Snakes Snappers Snooks Soft Corals Spiders Spire Shells Sponges Spoonworms Springtails Squids Starfish Stargazers Stink Bugs Stonefishes Stoneflies Stony Corals Strick Insect Sweepers Swordfishes Syncaridans T Tanaids Tapeworms Tardigrades Tarpons Tellins Termites Thorny-headed Worms Thrips Ticks Toadfishes Top Snails Trouts True Bugs True Crabs True Jellie True Whelks Trumpeters Tunas Tunicates Turtles Tusk Shells Twisted-wing Insects Typical Spiders U Umbrella Slugs V Valve Snails Valvetails Velvet Worms Vertebrates Vetigastropods Volutes W Wallabies Wasps Water Bugs Water Bugs (Semi-aquatic Bugs) Water Scorpions Webspinners Wentletraps Wetas Whales Whelks Whiteflies Whitings Wombats Wood Slaters Woodlice Wood Wasps Wrens X Xenoturbellids |