Bark, Fungus, Lady Beetles and Allies
Superfamily: Coccinelloidea |
The superfamily of the Coccinelloidea contains more than 10,000 species of tiny and relatively small, roundish beetles divided rather unevenly between 15 families. Amongst these 15 families the largest is the Coccinellidae or Lady Beetles containing more than 6,000 species alone. Species within the Coccinelloidea have been recorded across much of the world including many island nations in the Pacific Ocean. The superfamily has undergone some considerable re-arrangement recently and no doubt further adjustment will be made in time to come. On top of that, due to the small size of many of the species within the Coccinelloidea, new species surface regularly in the scientific journals.
Ten familes are found in Australia but none exclusively so. Member species of five of these may be found in the Northern Rivers. |
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